A Brooding Mom with a Brood of Two

I am a stay at home with 2 toddlers who are 15 months apart in age. While blogging is very new to me, I found that this could be a healthy and productive way (I get to practice my storytelling skills) to get things off my chest without seeking a willing yet time-constrained pair of ears from my friends.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Seoul Korea via Asiana Airlines

We are here in Seoul. It is now 4am and the kids are playing while Mike is still in deep slumber in bed. Yesterday, we ventured out by cab to Gangnam, had lunch and returned to the hotel around 3pm to crash. Yes, jetlag has us by the throat. The kids are adjusting well. They sleep, eat, poop, bathe, sleep and play. I don't know what I would have done if they did not have each other to stay busy and occupied.

We have a train trip planned for Pusan today. We're planning to catch the early morning train. Hopefully, we can have a full day with Mike's aunt (MIL's sister), and her son (Mike's cousin). I can't wait to see them.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day 2007 -- A Day for Labor Indeed

I had my first garage sale yesterday. It's so interesting to observe the diversity of people who come to a neighborhood garage sale. I guess there are people who deliberately seek out a good household to shop second hand things. I only advertised on craigslist and described my sale items as children's items only. It has been exhausting!

I will post the grand total at the end of this 3 weekend ordeal. Next weekend will be household items and small electronics.

9/16/07 6:38pm
Grand Total after 3 weekends of 2-day garage sales. $1300.00 And plenty left for a Goodwill donation.

9/17/07 6:05pm
A family from Tillamook drove all the way here to pick up the large green pull wagon and trailer for $40. To make their trip worthwhile, they loaded up their 4 door sedan with all the leftover clothing, 2 speakers, 2 boxes of toys and stuffed animals, and the wagon plus trailer. There was barely enough room for the couple to sit in. They are planning to hold their own garage sale with all my free stuff in Tillamook. Glad to pay it forward.

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