He's Off to Bangkok...without me
Yup, Mike just left for the airport. He'll be in Bangkok, Thailand for the remainder of the week. This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in the US. And our furniture is due to arrive in a vessel from the port of Portland tomorrow. It will take a few days to clear customs before they can deliver it to our home. I'm not in despair. I'm just bummed because I was hoping to meet him in Thailand this weekend, but instead, I will be home to receive our household move and unpack as much as we can with the gracious help of Noreen our live in help from the Phillippines.
Noreen is a widow at 28 and has a 7 year old son, farmer parents and 8 siblings to help out financially back home. She is a shorter than normal girl with a great disposition and work ethic. She is on her feet from 7am to 9pm. Tonight, she cooked a fabulous meal for dinner, bathed the kids, and washed all the bed linens and laundry. I am constantly amazed at her movement around the house, cleaning, sweeping, dishwashing, etc. We are sending her home for the holidays for one month. She deserves to go home and see her family after being here for 2 years with her previous employer who apparently treated her like a slave. With her immediate transfer into our family, she missed out on an opportunity to go home for a few weeks. I purchased her plane ticket a few days ago and paid my levy to the agency today. God bless you, Noreen.
So here I am, lamenting about Mike's absence and utter preoccupation with work and business. I hope he remembers to take his vitamins, drink clean water, and eat a sensible meal. He's working so hard. I've never seen him so busy and pressed for time like this. The only thing I can do is stand by and try to help him as much as I can. He just text me that he couldn't use the ATM's at the airport to get his cash. Poor baby. I should have given him a few hundred from my wallet. I'm also finding myself playing the doting wife a lot more here than I ever was back in the U.S. I think because Noreen takes care of the kids, and they genuinely like her, my hands are more free to take care of Mike. I hope he knows how much I love him. He is a gem of a man and a wonderful husband. I don't think there is another man like him on this earth.
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