A Brooding Mom with a Brood of Two

I am a stay at home with 2 toddlers who are 15 months apart in age. While blogging is very new to me, I found that this could be a healthy and productive way (I get to practice my storytelling skills) to get things off my chest without seeking a willing yet time-constrained pair of ears from my friends.

Monday, February 05, 2007

You Have to Feel Good About Youself...

in order to do anything nowadays! Seriously, these days, I'm just so down on myself, for whatever reasons: 2 large facial pimples, fingers and feet swollen, having to get ready for a family trip, cat snots on the wall, etc. etc. I really need to find some peace and fast because the little ones will be on the receiving end of my illogical wrath. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it when they are just being children and mommy becomes the one-eyed chartreuse monster just because she's feeling like shit.

It makes me even more miserable. I whaled on H for eating her Oreos in such a messy way. I whaled on T for refusing to share the pear pieces I peeled and cut for him. Both those situations could have been better handled. With loving explanations and patient modeling. But NOoooooooo.....I had to rage and raise my voice and get my point across by being a total bitch. Poor kiddies...they cowered.

Dear God,

Please help me. I need help. I need intervention. I need an exorcism. Please let me get through the month without these type of outbursts. Help me maintain my composure and exercise the benevolent tolerance I had as a teacher. Will keeping this in mind put me in check? Is blogging like confession? Can I be absolved for my morning sins through full admission of guilt and then some? I need serious help.


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