A Brooding Mom with a Brood of Two

I am a stay at home with 2 toddlers who are 15 months apart in age. While blogging is very new to me, I found that this could be a healthy and productive way (I get to practice my storytelling skills) to get things off my chest without seeking a willing yet time-constrained pair of ears from my friends.

Friday, June 23, 2006

The World Wide Web of Woops!

So Fiona wakes me up at 1am to let her out. I'm guessing she really had to go since her last outing was at 4pm. So I get out of bed and let her out. She doesn't come right back after doing her business. Instead she is off sniffing every square inch of the backyard to see if a squirrel, cat, field mouse or deer has trespassed through her territory. So I find myself in a sleepy stupor going on the internet only to realize I needed to pay my Amex bill.

I make a payment. Only...I forget to update the bank account from which the money needs to be withdrawn. So it is paid at 1am this morning from an account that will have insufficient funds. Oi! I quickly update the routing and account numbers of the intended bank hoping it will go through before they begin processing the debit.

I call Amex customer service this morning to make sure that what I did at 1am while waiting for my dog to come inside from her walk is okay. It is not. The first account is the one where the money will be withdrawn from and if it bounces, it will try again 2 more times. Oi! So I quickly call my local bank to see if I can wire the amount of the bill to my internet bank. It'll cost me $20 unless I upgrade my account to Platinum Plus Checking. I asked her to do so.

I then drag two sleepy naptime ready toddlers down to the bank to initiate the wire transfer only to find out it won't post until Monday since it's Friday afternoon west coast (closed on the east). I return home and call Amex customer service to let them know what happened and they assured me I would be charged $30 for insufficient funds but I can call back when it shows up to ask for a courtesy waive since I am an upstanding Amex customer of 10 years.

REPEAT: I will never ever pay bills at 1am while waiting for a dog to return from a potty run. Damn you, Fiona, you are the bane of my existence.


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