A Brooding Mom with a Brood of Two

I am a stay at home with 2 toddlers who are 15 months apart in age. While blogging is very new to me, I found that this could be a healthy and productive way (I get to practice my storytelling skills) to get things off my chest without seeking a willing yet time-constrained pair of ears from my friends.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bristol, UK, here he comes!

Mike just purchased his 3 day trip to Cardiff for an interview that could land him a transfer to Asia this summer. Booking a ticket so last minute was a nightmare! We found out through a friend who is a native of London, now living and working in the US, that Bristol would be the quickest way to get to Cardiff. Originally, Mike wanted to land in one of the metro airports in London, Heathrow, Gatwick or City, then take the chunnel to Cardiff. But landing in Bristol would be way faster. A car will pick him up and drive him to the hotel before his meeting with the head of the Global Dept.

Now, my thoughts on the possible move...let's see...considering the fact that we now have 2 aging cats, 2 dogs (whom I consider my first children), and 2 toddlers (1 still in full time diapers and 1 in transition), it's making my head spin when I think about packing the house, selling it, researching ways to get our animals across international waters, finding housing in Asia (it could be Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Hong Kong, or any other small island that calls itself a country in the Southeast). We've only lived in this house for less than 4 years.

I lived in Malaysia as a child from the age of 4 to 8. I have the fondest memories of my childhood while we were there in the early 70's. My mother only remembers the tropical climate that stifled her to the core but my brother and I loved the freedom of being able to explore the neighborhood jungle, swamp or farmhouse. We had kittens to look for, watched baby chicks hatching from their eggs and snakes slithering around our ankles during a game of tag.

Are we ready to repeat this childhood for our 2 toddlers? Hell yea...


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